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Imagine a life where instead of using will-power to struggle through your day, you listen to your amazing body, feed it exactly what it needs, feel fabulous every day, and Truly Love Your Life.


The Secret to Living in a Body and Life You Love is in the Steps YOU take in Addressing Stress, Hormonal Imbalances, and Your Inner Demons . . . It's SO much deeper than just FOOD!


We are here to HELP YOU DISCOVER A Mindful Approach to Bringing Your Body to its Ideal Weight, Optimum Health, and Joyful Living. 


My team and I have guided hundreds of Clients through the steps of discovering The True Secret to Living in a Body YOU Love and Creating the Life YOU Deserve.

Fill out the questionnaire below to help us get to know you and make the most of our time together, once you've submitted your questionnaire, we will access our calendar and send you a time that works for you!

In Your FREE 30 minute Private Phone or Zoom Consultation, my Experienced Joyful Living Coaches will:


  • Support you in getting clear on your Health, and Lifestyle Desires for 2021, and . . .

  • Develop your Action Plan, to Replace your UnHealthy Relationship with Food, and Feel Inspired Every Single Day!

Transform Your Relationship with Food & Life
What day works the Best for You?
What Time of day is Best for You?
What do you want to improve most?
What do you need more of in your Life?

Thank You! Chat Soon!

O U R    M O T T O


'Lasting Health and Happiness is discovered by exploring not what you’re eating. Lasting Health is found by digging deep and releasing What’s Eating You!'


Always with Love & Support,


Kathryn Chess

Your Nutritionist & Joyful Living Coach

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