A Mindful Approach . . . Learn to Live in a Body & Life you Love

Are you Ready for a
6-Week Transformation?
Stop Struggling to bring your body to great health and perfect weight!
If you're looking for a PERFECT Program that teaches you how to easily use simple mindful strategies and proven healthy practices to courageously and confidently live in the body and life you love, then you're in the right place.
You Can get happier and healthier without counting calories, carbs, and fats.
The power is inside of you!
Discover a new way of eating to achieve your ideal weight & health – without dieting – for life.
What if there’s something that could...
Propel YOU to peel the layers that are blocking your Sensational Success.
Create Your Personalized Roadmap For Success!
Change your mindset!
Harmonize and Balance Your Hormones!
Listen to Your Inner Wisdom and Let Your Body Guide You to Amazing Health.
Get Your Grove Back!
Re-invent the healthier and happier YOU!
Learn to Live in a Body and Life You Love
Transform Your Relationship with Food And Life!

Is that even possible?
Do YOU ever feel like you are all alone struggling with a lack of willpower, waking up exhausted, having no time for yourself...while making a superhuman effort to be successful?
Maybe you're sick of struggling with weight issues, health challenges, and belly fat and you simply want to finally feel comfortable in your own skin.
If diets and willpower have failed you, have you resolved it’s normal to feel fat, frumpy, and unhealthy?
It’s time to STOP using self-discipline, deprivation, restriction, and calorie counting!

Eat Your Way to Healthy Program
Imagine a life where you’re mindfully savoring delicious, satisfying food, listening to your beautiful body, feeding her exactly what she needs, your health issues are disappearing, and you feel fabulous every day and love your life...
Eat Your Way to Healthy is NOT your typical diet or weight loss program. Getting Happy and Healthy is SO much deeper than just FOOD!
You CAN Live in a Body and Life You Love!
In Eat Your Way to Healthy you learn to Reduce Your Stress, Balance Your Hormones, and Release what’s Eating YOU!
Eat Your Way to Healthy is a simple, common-sense path to Positively and Deliciously Transform Your Relationship with Food and Life!
Eat Your Way to Healthy will help you heal by addressing the underlying and individual emotional root causes that fuel your struggle with food, your body, and your life.
Learn to use My Proven-Process to give you the Freedom, Joy, and Peace you Deserve with Food and Life.
Join Me for – EAT YOUR WAY TO HEALTHY! 6-Week Jump Start!
Give us 6-Weeks to guide you to a life of Freedom from Food Struggles and A Happy and Healthy Loving Life.

Eat Your Way to Healthy
6-Weeks Jump Start
‘Isn’t Your Typical Diet’
If dieting worked, we wouldn’t have a Billion Dollar Diet Industry!
Are you ready to try something new that really works?
Instead of struggling through your health and weight challenges, wouldn’t you love to eat for true satisfaction and pleasure?
Eat Your Way to Healthy gives you the confidence and life-changing mindset tools to see yourself differently.
Learn a new way of eating based on listening, savoring every morsel, and truly nourishing your body with ease.
Willpower won’t get you to your long-term goals!
The truth is:
You can bring your body to its perfect weight, reverse blood sugar & blood pressure issues, eliminate cholesterol, stop emotional & binge eating, increase your energy, balance your hormones, and feel fantastic for life.
You DON’T need to try harder.
You simply need to start listening to what your body really wants.
My Simple 6-Step System will Easily and effortlessly guide you to:

Mindfully Listen to Your Body and Feed Her What She Needs

Create Your Ideal Body and Life
Discover What Foods Work Best for You

Naturally Curb Your Cravings

Balance Your Hormones

Increase Your Energy Levels

Reduce Your Stress

Truly Love the Body You Live in
Access all these programs and content today for a very limited time only.
Module 1 - Mindfully Listen to Your Body
Learn to listen to your body and change your relationship with food for life. Your brain relies on willpower and listening to your body gives you the visceral feelings to tackle and overcome:
stress eating
binge eating
emotional eating
Listening to Your body is your simple secret to trust your inner guide, know what foods are right for you, and peel away the layers that are blocking your underlying joyful life.
It helps you feel grounded, and remember that you’re enough. It helps you to Savor your food with Pleasure and that you truly enjoy and Love your Life.
Lean in and listen closely . . . Your pain will not vanish with another diet. I know it all seems like a simple fix…
"Eat more veggies, work out more and be happy."
If this really worked, you wouldn’t be reading this, and everyone would be healthy and thin.

Module 2 - Create Your Ideal Body and Life
You can magically create your ideal body and life.
Without knowing what you want, you can’t get to where you want to be.
Imagine you’re a pilot. If you were traveling from L.A. to San Francisco without a map or a GPS, you would never get there.
It works the same way with achieving your goals.
We are the creators of our lives and when YOU truly know where you want to go, you propel yourself there like a rocket.
Eat Your Way to Healthy helps you to create the body and life you love using creative visualization, breathwork, and meditation to clear your traumas and stop numbing with food for a lifetime of joy and happiness.
Rock your dreams with boundless energy and happiness!
Give yourself the permission to dream bigger and feel better than ever!
Module 3 - EAT Delicious and Nutritious Foods to Reset Hunger and Heal Your Body
Using My Delicious Detox and Simple Easy ‘Eating Guidelines’ you’ll learn the foods that your body needs to bring your body to its perfect weight, increase your energy, naturally balance your hormones, reduce your cravings and start healing every cell in your body.
Discover the simple pleasurable secrets to using food as medicine and get your body running like a well-oiled machine.
My Delicious Detox walks you through 10-Days of Clean Eating to help you discover what your body needs.
You will:
Receive simple and delicious gluten-free, sugar-free, and dairy-free breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes, and cooking video classes to Jump-Start your health (You will love these!)
Receive my Delicious Detox Healthy Pantry Staple Shopping List
Learn to enjoy eating healthy at restaurants
As a Bonus, I’m gifting you my Joyful Living with Kathryn Chess, Fast, Fun, and Fabulous Recipe Cookbook.
All you need to do to succeed is choose some of our recipes to enjoy!
Laugh and learn to savor your food to find the joy and pleasure in life.

Module 4 - Kick Your Cravings to the Curb
No More White Knuckling through your cravings!
Curbing your food cravings can be easy when you know the power-packed sensational strategies to kick your food cravings to the curb.
You will:
Finally break your dependence on unhealthy foods and retrain your taste buds.
Discover how to add more non-food sweetness to your life.
Stop using willpower and numbing yourself with food by letting go of the emotions that keep you stuck.
Learn powerful craving curbing tips, tools and tricks specially designed to help you kick your cravings to the curb and discover a sweeter joy-filled life.
As a bonus, you will learn two simple, easy and free DIY tests to discover what could be creating cravings and all your health issues.
You can go from - Compulsively Craving to Calm and Comfortable in Your Skin.
Module 5 - Naturally Balance Your Hormones
After changing your biology with food, Naturally Balancing Your Hormones is your Golden Ticket to tie everything together to truly love your body and life. We can be doing everything right and still feel like we’re on a hormonal roller-coaster.
My DIY Hormone Balancing guide empowers you to bring your specific hormones back to balance and feel fabulous.
You Will:
Learn how to naturally get your body back on track by discovering exactly what hormones are imbalanced with my Hormone Quiz. This is a simple easy way to monitor improvement and save money without investing in expensive blood and saliva tests.
Discover how to lose the weight that won’t go away no matter what you do, regain your energy, and get your groove back.
Learn to use my DIY Hormone Guide with your inner voice to naturally balance your hormones with targeted, specific, simple, and effective essential tools including food, exercise, supplements, and essential oils.
Finally, learn to love your life in a balanced body that feels fabulous.

Module 6 - Unconditionally Love Yourself
Self-love is your magic ticket for incredible health, happiness, and success. Using love’s fire, you can transmute all your limitations and challenges. Love is your solution for everything!
Self-love is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Life becomes second nature and a magical blissful adventure-created solely for your benefit when you learn to shower yourself with massive amounts of self-love. You can see everything as love!
You Will:
Learn how to fall madly in love with yourself and finally approve of the one and only unique and amazing YOU!
Learn my Simple Steps to Finally love, appreciate and accept yourself with delight and love for real and for keeps.
Shift to thinking about love with your mind and learn to embody it in your heart for incredible joy and pleasure.
Discover the feel-good tricks to create a space of safety, trust, worth, deserving, and acceptance.
We send you your modules on Wednesday and you have a full week to digest them before your Coaching Call.

Weekly Live Video Coaching Calls with Kathryn
You will never feel stuck! Kathryn is with you on her weekly coaching calls at 5:30 PM on Tuesday nights. These calls are your time to ask questions and share your successes and challenges.
Our members achieve such amazing results because they are guided and supported every step of the way.
You are invited to join our Eat Your Way to Healthy Group where Kathryn is on hand daily to answer your questions, motivate your success and walk you through any challenges.

These calls are recorded, and the replay is sent out within 24-hours after our calls so you will never miss any of the juicy and delicious content.
Our LIVE Coaching Sessions allow YOU to explore and go deeper into the processes, have fun sharing your successes and support each other with any challenges.
Kathryn often sends you love notes in this app to keep you motivated and share tips, tricks and tools for your sensational success.

Your mindset is the game-changer that takes you from where you are to where you want to be. Your 6-Week Journey in Eat Your Way to Healthy will give you a whole new perspective on life to positively transform your relationship with your food for lasting results.

Powerful Play-Work
We don't believe in weigh-ins. What we DO believe in is empowering you to start preparing your own tasty meals and creating a life you love right away! Receive & complete your Weekly Play-Work (you heard that right. . .NO homework, only Play-Work.) It’s designed to help you build new healthy habits you can sustain when the program is over.

Receive inspiration & support from real people - just like you - going through the program with you, in our private community chat. Hear their stories, see their progress, ask questions & share tips.

What's in it(over $1,341 value!)?
✅ 6 Weeks Module of Transforming content [$497 value]
✅ 10 Day Detox Program [$99 value]
✅ 21 Day Craving Kicker [$99 value]
✅ Weekly coaching call [$449 value]
Plus bonuses of over $197!
✅ Bonus 1: Acupressure Yoga Video - Easy, Simple Yoga Using Acupressure to keep your entire body running like a well-oiled machine.
✅ Bonus 2: 5-Minute Breathwork Routine
✅ Bonus 3: Self Love Meditation Collection
✅ Bonus 4: Confidence Creator 5-Part Video Series
Today You get $250 discount! Scored!
Your Investment today
Only $299 instead of $549
This limited time offer expires in:

Enjoy the journey and know you deserve to love your body, feed yourself amazing food and treat yourself with the love and care your body is craving.
Our Rotating Format gives you time to absorb, incorporate and practice your Weekly Play-Work for your best results.
You will be sent your weekly modules on Wednesdays and have an entire delicious week to dive into their lessons before our coaching call on Tuesday.
While our LIVE Coaching Sessions allow you to explore and go deeper into the processes, have fun sharing your successes and support each other with any challenges.
I need you to know that even though we may have not met in person, I care about YOU! It feels kind of shallow sometimes, doesn’t it?. Maybe it feels kind of shallow? I don’t want that for you. I’m here as your guide on the side to help you on every step of your journey on the road
Unfortunately, the reality is, it doesn't matter what I think about how wonderful you are. It’s how you feel about yourself that matters. As long as you are holding back because of your body – I call it “waiting on the weight’, you aren’t making the impact you’re meant to make in the world.
I want to honor you for showing up for yourself in your pursuit to get healthier and happier.
Join me for ‘Eat Your Way to Healthy’ and let me be your guide on the side to bring you to your best health ever!
Your new healthy beginning starts TODAY!
With Love & Support,
Should you have any questions or need additional details, please don't hesitate to Reach Out directly to our Support.
We are here for you!
© 2021 Joyful Living with Kathryn Chess